Attracting new customers

Published On: January 1, 1970

The top five steps on how to attract new customers.

1. Treat all clients equally.
It’s not uncommon to give priority attention to people who promise volume purchases and big-ticket sales. But today’s small firm could be tomorrow’s success story. Extend the same scope of service and support to everyone, regardless of company size.

2. Offer flexibility in business arrangements.
During lean economic times, customers are seeking every advantage for their bottom line. Leeway in financing, leasing, and rental arrangements will increase your appeal.

3. Embrace customization.
No two clients have the same needs. Treat standard product models and core services as simply a starting point for sales. Customized offerings demonstrate your adaptability and differentiate you from competitors.

4. Advertise and market strategically.
Keep your name and brand in front of the public at all times, even when the books look bad. Professionalize your website and focus your marketing on audiences with whom you have matching capabilities.

5. Encourage feedback and word-of-mouth referrals.
Build on your existing customer relationships by assessing what worked well and what didn’t. Be sure to thank clients frequently for their business and urge them to share your contact info with their peers.

John Gehner is a freelance writer and editor based in Atlanta, Ga.