Geogrid reinforces stone columns

Published On: September 1, 2010

“Energy. Experiment. Experience,” a conference held by Bauhaus University Weimar’s Department of Civil Engineering, featured the first public test of stone columns reinforced with Secugrid® geogrid, manufactured by NAUE GmbH & Co. KG, Espelkamp-Fiestel, Germany. As the audience watched and television cameras rolled, professor Karl Josef Witt of Bauhaus University and his team constructed four columns 16 inches square by pouring crushed gravel reinforced with Secugrid. The team then forklifted a 2.2 ton vehicle on top of the columns and removed the forms, leaving only the columns just created as support.

The geogrid held, demonstrating the soil-strengthening benefits of NAUE’s Secugrid, a flat geogrid made from interlaced extruded PET or PP polymer bars. High-strength welded junctions provide soil reinforcement for all civil engineering applications, including environmental, infrastructure and marine engineering projects.