Analysis of Asian textile markets from “Official Wire”

Published On: December 21, 2010

The Asian textile and apparel markets have global influence, and the “Official Wire” recently published a new report with detailed analysis of the ups-and-downs. China’s textile and clothing exports increased by 15.8 percent in the first four months of 2010, following a 10.1 percent decline in 2009. Exports to the U.S. played a part in the increase; Chinese exports to the U.S. rose by 4.1 percent, while exports decreased to the EU and Hong Kong during the same period. Hong Kong’s textiles and apparel sector took a hard hit, with exports dropping by 49.4 percent in the first five months of 2010. In Japan, domestic wholesale sales of textile products fell for the 12th consecutive year. South Korea and Taiwan also lost ground in export of domestically made goods.

Source: “Official Wire”